HOW TO: Setup A Microsoft Teams Live Event

So you want to engage a virtual audience of people in a new way? Tired of just doing a 'Zoom call' ? So are we...

Microsoft Teams came out with some new features that really change the way you can meet and create virtual events easily. No need for a strong background in technology. This platform makes it easy to share content and push it live with the click of a button. (or two)

Let’s dive deeper into what Microsoft Teams offers compared to the other leaders in live event hosting.

When we say hosting, we mean that you can stream directly to the site, no need to go through YouTube or have an external resource that manages the encoder data coming in. If you don’t know what that is, we talk more about encoders here. Compared to YouTube’s live events platform Teams is vastly different. For one you have a Q/A Feature. YouTube live events you can just have comments. Which if you have a moderator that really doesn’t change much. We can’t compare it too much more to others because they start to have the same features. The only difference is Teams comes with your Office 365 Subscription. So… If you are not wanting to pay additional fees for a third-party software that hosts your events. This is the solution for you.

Let’s start with the good stuff:

Teams is integrated with your Office 365 Accounts so everyone on your Team has access and can produce and create live events.

You can choose what type of live event you want to host; maybe only internal people need to be invited, maybe everyone in your organization needs access or you want to share the link publicly. These are all options. Very customizable to your needs. You have a ‘Producer’ position, as well as presenters. These people have control over the flow of the meeting. Our advice is to put the most tech savvy people in these spots. When you work in an IT company like Skycomp this becomes easy.The presenters can share screens and content similarly to what you do in a normal Teams or Zoom meeting. No need to learn anything new.The last type of position in the meeting is the attendee. These people have the easiest of jobs. They click a link and join the meeting.

This is Important to Understand:

A live event is meant to allow attendees to view what is happening on screen live as it happens. Currently in Microsoft Teams Attendees cannot turn on video cameras or audio devices to be seen or heard in the event. THAT BEING SAID. They can still ask questions via the Q/A features and the chat. So, you can still communicate and see how your viewers are reacting to the live event.

Many other Live Event Software have other options like event registration. This Teams Event platform doesn’t have this option. But you can send out a link to the attendees you want to join this event. Make sure this link is not shared publicly or you will have random people joining your live event that you might not want. Watch the video above to learn how to setup your live event through Microsoft Teams. You will be able to share content, present PowerPoints, and answer questions live!

This is a terrific addition to Microsoft Teams:

Its easy to use, not to technically complicated again, so anyone can run a professional looking live event. We always recommend at Skycomp that you hire a video professional or live event expert to make sure the event outcome will be what your vision is. Live events are large beasts to tackle. But with the right tutorial videos, experience, and advice. You’ll be going live in no time at all! Your attendees just might like it.

For more information on Microsoft Teams, you can read more articles we have here on Or watch the entire playlist of tutorials below:

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