HOW TO: Solve Technology Season One

When Skycomp says "Solving Technology" That means we want to guide you to be self reliant in this new virtual world.

You might be asking yourself… Why do I need to learn about technology?

The truth is. You really don’t, lots of support is out there and you are able to take a computer in and get it fixed in 24 hours or less! We are looking for those people that want to learn more about technology. That don’t want to have to call their son or daughter to come and help them with a problem on their device. Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and the Office 365 suite has become a staple in most businesses in the Niagara Region. Outlook and the Office 365 suite is what Skycomp pushes most clients to go with. This comes with all the different Microsoft apps and services that allows companies to grow and thrive and look professional while doing it. Lots of people joining a company or are just getting into their first job might not understand how to use these programs to their full potential. 

That’s where we come in:

Skycomp is overly excited to be producing original content that will guide you in your quest to solve technology. We don’t expect you to completely solve it. These videos and brief articles that we have created will make it just a little bit easier to figure out that slight problem you keep having. Maybe it’s creating a Teams meeting and creating a poll within that meeting. It might be just figuring out a single shortcut in Excel that you keep forgetting. It might go more in depth like how to send a bulk email using Excel. You might be looking to upgrade your office phone system to be more compatible with working from home, or even a little cheaper. 

In the past three months we have battened down the hatches at the office and created over 50 videos, varying in length and content, that will answer all the above questions. We aren’t here to say that this is the end all be all of content. Our video ‘style’ is simple. Get the answers to you in the quickest most concise way, with a hint of entertainment value. Just the answers you’re looking for. 

As Season One of Solving Technology comes to an end with a total of 3,700 views. We are reflecting on what you as the audience wants to see. Things have only gotten started. We are only pushing the boundaries further on what technology we can solve. We are expanding our knowledge of devices and how to fix them every day. The best part about this is we will never run out of products, services, and software to cover. Technology is ever adapting and so are we.

If you need a little help, or a lot of help Skycomp is here. Releasing updated content every week with new videos, articles, and blog posts, deriving from what we do best. Solving Technology, so you don’t have to. 

Thanks to our viewers and support this far.

Oh and heres a link to the playlist where you can watch all 26 episodes! Grab some popcorn!

Stop worrying about IT.

If our team sounds like a good fit for your organization, we’d love the opportunity to show you how we can help.